Davide Grassi, Bérgamo, 1970.
Davide Grassi es un artista esloveno de origen italiano que vive y trabaja en Ljubljana, Eslovenia. Su obra tiene una fuerte connotación social y se caracteriza por un enfoque intermedio. Es autor de numerosos vídeos, performances, instalaciones, documentales y proyectos intermedias. Es cofundador y miembro del Colectivo Bast (1999) y de la plataforma abierta de investigación para intervenciones en espacios públicos SilentCell Network (2003). Es cofundador (2002) y director artístico de Aksioma -Instituto de arte contemporáneo.

Brainloop, 2007
The work of Slovenian artist Davide Grassic consists of an interactive platform that uses a BCI computer system that can be operated only by imagining specific motor commands. In the performance "Brainloop", the subject, Markus Rapp, is able to investigate urban areas and rural landscapes that he sees on Google Earth. He selects the location, camera, angles and positions and records the images in sequences in a virtual world. In the second part of the performance, he returns to the footage and uses Brainloop to compose a soundtrack, selecting and manipulating audio recordings in real time, which sound designer Brane Zorman places in the physical space. The virtual environment allows the audience to perceive the events in 3D. The work is the result of a collaboration between Slovenian artists and Austrian scientists.