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Felicie dEstienne dOrves
New Art Collection

Felicie d’Estienne d’Orves, Athens, 1979.

The work of Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves combines light, sculpture and new technologies. Her research focuses on vision, its processes and conditioning. Her immersive installations use a phenomenological approach to reality, they underscore the perception of time as a continuum. Since 2014, the artist' researches focused on space in relation to astrophysics and to study the natural light cycles.

Her work has been shown at the Centre Pompidou , Nuit Blanche, Paris, New Art Space / Sonic Acts Amsterdam, Watermans Arts Center London, Elektra Festival / BIAN Montreal, Maison des Arts of Créteil Créteil, Le Centquatre / Nemo International Biennial of Digital Arts Paris, OCAT Shanghai, ICAS Dresden, Aram Art Museum Goyang /KR, and ArsElectronica, Linz.

Work at the collection: Eclipse II

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Felicie dEstienne dOrves

Eclipse II, 2012

“Eclipse II helps us to experience the inherent game between the relative position of the observer, a light source and an eclipsing disk. By means of a projection on a suspended circular screen, it pretends to question the instinctive and mystic understanding that natural manifestations of light induce. This interaction and alignment of shadow and light evokes the limits of human perception and distant events that create links in the space-time continuum. Like other projections and constructions of radiant colours created by the artist, she seeks to explore the process behind the vision and the forms that condition our gaze.” Jean-Louis Boissier

Felicie dEstienne dOrves

Felicie dEstienne dOrves

Felicie dEstienne dOrves

Felicie dEstienne dOrves

Felicie dEstienne dOrves

Carretera de Constantí, Km.3, TV-7211

43204 Reus - Tarragona - Spain

Edificio Barebone S.L.

New Art Foundation - New Art Collection
Copyright new art foundation
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