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History of the

New Art Foundation


In 2003 the .NewArt { collection;} was born, formerly known as the Beep Collection of Electronic Art. It is the result of the combination of interests of Marie-France Veyrat and Andreu Rodríguez Valveny, an artist and a technological pioneer, and his friendship with Arnau Puig, co-founder of Dau al Set, who proposed to celebrate the Beep Prize for Technological Art in Barcelona. This early project received in 2006 a new boost by creating the ARCO-BEEP Electronic Art awards, in collaboration with the ARCO art fair.


In addition to the transcendence of the awards themselves, their organization produced a key meeting for the development of the New Art project { foundation;}: the incorporation of Vicente Matallana to the team. A pioneer of technological art who, through his company LaAgencia, founded in 1998, has been involved in almost all of the key events in this field in Spain. Thanks to this meeting a complicity arose that, with almost two hundred works, has created in 20 years a collection of technological art of reference to the international context.


In 2013 the project took one step further by creating .NewArt { foundation;}. Together with the Col·legi Oficial d’Enginyeria informatica de Catalunya (COEINF), l’Associació d’Enginyers de Telecomunicacions (ACET), el Col·legi d’Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya, the support of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, as well as a series of outstanding companies and professionals from Catalonia. In this way, the collection provided the necessary tools to be able to develop its work for the benefit of society.


Currently, after 20 years of activity, as a key player on the local and international scene, collaborating and participating in all the great events and initiatives of the sector in Catalonia, the .NewArt { foundation;} & { collection;}, has considered which could be the next and definitive contribution to the ecosystem and society.


From a deep analysis has emerged the proposal to develop, in the city of Reus, a space of 3,000 m2 meant to promote the creation of an artistic legacy linked to Science and Technology, as well as conservation and preservation for future generations.

2003: 1st Prize for technological art in Barcelona Palau Robert.
2006: ARCO-BEEP Electronic Art Award (19 uninterrupted editions).
2010: The Beep Collection is established.
2013: The .NewArt { foundation;} (NAF) is established.
2015: GAC Collector's Award.
2016: Electronic Timing. Exhibition-Workshop at the Universitat Politècnica de València.
2017: The Beep Collection is presented at the B3 Biennial of the Moving Image, Frankfurt.
2017: Reus capital of culture 2017 - exhibition at the Salvador Vilaseca Museum - Reus.
2018: The Beep Collection is presented at Ars Electronica. Has continued to do so since then.
2020: The NAF co-founds HacTe, the hub for Art, Science, Technology, and Society of Barcelona.
2022: The NAF co-organizes ISEA2022 Barcelona.
2022: The Beep Collection is changing its name to be rebranded as the .NewArt { collection;}.
2023: The .NewArt { collection;} is presented at V2_ Lab for Unstable Media.
2024: The NAF builds the New Art Centre in Reus.

Hundreds of activities worldwide, coupled with over 160 artworks, forge an international reference.

Carretera de Constantí, Km.3, TV-7211

43204 Reus - Tarragona - Spain

Edificio Barebone S.L.

New Art Foundation - New Art Collection
Copyright new art foundation
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