Waldo Balart, Banes, 1931.
Balart studied accounting and political science and economics in Havana before moving to New York to pursue art studies in 1959. From 1959 to 1962 studied art in the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Professionally, on 1967 he develops as lecturer in many cultural centres and universities of USA, Poland, Spain, Germany and Netherlands. He acted in two movies by Andy Warhol, The Life of Juanita Castro,1965, and The Loves of Ondine, 1968.
Waldo Balart, referent in the Concrete Art, lectures frequently and his work – explorations of color and light in geometric paintings and light sculpture – has been widely exhibited. He had more than 50 one-man shows in the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, France, Germany, Spain, Austria, and United States among others. He is the recipient of a Pollock-Krasner Foundation fellowship and his work is in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art and Metropolitan Museum in New York, Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid, the Mondriaanhuis in Amersfoort, Museum of Modern Art in Huenfeld, Germany, Kurzführer-Museum in Kulturspeicher among others
In 1992 he published the book “Waldo Díaz-Balart, Ensayos de Arte”, and in 2011 “La práctica del arte concreto”
Work at the collection: Desarrollo Cromático del CEL
Desarrollo Cromático del CEL, 2008
Serie: Desarrollo Cromático del CEL
Imagen fragmentada
Orden Axiomático 1.2.3
Proposición: Imagen Diagonal
Módulo 2x2,
Waldo Balart examines mathematical forms and studies of the color spectrum. In this way, unique paintings are created according to formulas.