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Evru, Barcelona, 1946.

Evru (born Alberto Porta, called Evru since 2001 and previously Zush from 1968) has maintained an absolutely personal trajectory in which his will to represent a reality that he himself has conceptualised while in the Evrugo mental state takes precedence over any other concept.

Few artists have had the genius to create their own parallel world, full of the symbols of an independent state. Evru began his career young at the hand of gallery owner René Metras and is currently working on an interactive work in progress, Tecura, based on the premise that the artist defends, «art for healing». Every person has an artist inside themselves. Evru, who works indistinctly with traditional media and digital technology has also developed his musical and performance facets.

His work is characterised by the construction of a personal mythology, autobiographical in nature. A cartography that feeds on accumulative images, as well as the creation of a script, a personal code that attempts to express that which cannot be explained rationally. In his work, multiple, parallel universes that maintain a tense and delicate equilibrium between chaos and rational order converge.

Founder and inhabitant of an imaginary state, Evrugo Mental State, conceived as a self-sufficient space whose energy expands with a clearly universalistic intention. Evrugo Mental State is born of necessity, as a utopia of physical and mental liberation that faces off with the historical situation of Spain in the moment of its creation, and the surrounding international context at the end of the seventies.

He has participated in international exhibitions such as Documenta VI of Kassel, 1977, New Images from Spain, 1980, in the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of New York, Les magiciens de la terre, 1989, organized by the Centre Georges Pompidou de París, among others. He has been the subject of important retrospectives such as in Today Art Museum, Beijing, 2007, Shanghai DuoLun MoMA, 2007, NUS NX Gallery, Singapore, MACBA, Barcelona, 2001, or in the MNCARS, Madrid, 2000. In 2001 he received the City of Barcelona Prize for his two retrospectives, [Zush. La Campanada], MNCARS, 2000, and [Zush-Tecura], MACBA, 2000-2001).

Work at the collection: Expanded Eye, Tecura, Opaulo


Tecura, 2008

In 1999 Evru (FKA Zush) begins to develop “Tecura” an interactive application for audiovisual creation online, based on tools created by the artist, putting at the disposal of the users a bank of sounds and images with which to produce their own artistic creations. In this way, Evru attempts to decentralise the author in favour of a new democratisation of art. In 2008 Devru develloped version 4.0 and incorporated it into the platform. The artwork at the collection is a digital print generated by this software.

Work on deposit from LaAgencia Collection.


Opaulo, 1990

This digital print on canvas bears witness to Zush's pioneering experiments with computer generated images. This figure stems out of the artist's relentless generation of alternative worlds, myths and iconographies. A god-like appearance, a summoning of the forces of nature personified.

Awarded with the XVIII ARCO BEEP Prize.


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