Ricardo Iglesias, Madrid, 1965 & Gerald Kogler, Linz, 1974.
Ricardo Iglesias and Gerald Kogler are artists of reference in Digital Art. Their net.art artworks are a complex metaphor regarding society and the web itself. They are pioneers in the field of interactive robotics.
Ricardo Iglesias, Philosophy Bachelor , Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Fine Arts PhD , Universitat de Barcelona. European Scope and Extraordinary Doctorate Prize ,2012. Currently he teaches interactive systems and videoart at Fine Arts Faculty, Complutense University, Madrid.
He has participated in numerous national and international art exhibitions such as, Wunderkammer, Madrid, 2019, Noviembre Electrónico, Buenos Aires, 2017, FASE9 ,Buenos Aires, 2017, HarddiskMuseum, Barcelona, 2017, Electronic Timing, Valencia, 2017, 1840s GIF Party,TATE -London, 2014, Video Guerrilla Festival, Sao Paulo, 2012, , (.mov) Videoarte en mOvimiento, Lima, 2012, FILE | Electronic Language International Festival, Sao Paulo, 2011, Río de Janeiro, 2006, Les Rencontres Internationales,Paris, 2008, Madrid, 2008 Banquete. Nodos y redes ,ZKM -Karlsruhe, 2009, LaBoral-Gijón, 2008, Sintopía(s, New York, 2008, Pekín, 2007, Juego Doble, México, 2006, Sala Metronòm, Barcelona, 2005, BCN, t`ho Porto, BCN to Porto, Oporto, 2004, MediaLab Prado, Madrid, 2003, LOOP´00, Barcelona, 2003, Cyberia 02, Santander, 2002, ARTCologne, 35th Internacional Fair for Modern Art, Colonia, 2005, 2002, Webby Prize Competition, SFMOMA - San Francisco, 2000, Mediaterra Festival , Atenas, 1999, Net_Condition, Karlsruhe, Graz, Tokyo, Barcelona, 1999.
Gerald Kogler, computer engineer specialized in digital cartography. His work focuses on the relationships between technology and social transformation through free software and hardware, open data and data visualization.
He worked in the Ars Electronica Future Lab, was part of several hacklabs of BCN and co-founded ZZZINC. His media art works have been exhibited at FILE, ARCO and Ars Electronica. He organizes creative programming workshops and develops applications for Culture and Education. In digital cartography he runs projects for several European city councils and NGOs, including the Historical Charter ,MUHBA, WWF and OSF.
Their work “Independent Robotic Community” won the 1st edition of the ARCO-BEEP Electronic Art Award
Work at the collection: Independent Robotic Community

Independent Robotic Community, 2005
This installation is based on their concerns and studies on the search for and representation of new forms of interaction/communication between mechanical components ,robots and carbon-based representations ,humans. Our goal is to foster communication by showing how it increases the degree of socialization while developing higher levels of communication
The installation consists of ten robots, several cameras that record their movements in space and communicate the encounters that are generated to a social network system. These encounters are shown on a projector as a graphic display of crisscrossing lines. One of the robots is also equipped with a spy camera that represents one individual’s subjective point of view versus the graphic display of social statistics.