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Antoni Abad
New Art Collection

Antoni Abad, Lleida, 1956.

He began his career as a sculptor, and evolved over time towards video art and later in and other forms of new media.

His work has evolved away from a traditional sculptural practice to the use of new technologies, and in particular the creation of community-based artworks using cell phones.He moved also from photography to video art, followed by interest in computers He uses Internet as a creative & research platform. Antoni Abad's expresses the desire to formal experimentation around the concepts of space and time, always present in his work, not exempt lately of certain ironic and critical aspects.

He has presented his work at Fundació Joan Miró, Museu d'Art Jaume Morera, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Venice Biennale, P.S.1. – MOMA, Centre d'Art Santa Mònica, MACBA, among others.

He got the Premi d'Arts Plàstiques Medalla Morera (medal) 1990, Premi Ciutat de Barcelona in the category of Multimedia (2002), Golden Nica at Ars Electronica[15] within the category of virtual communities in 2006. Considered the most important prize in the world in terms of art and new technologies and the Premi Nacional d'Arts Visuals (National Prize for Visual Arts) in 2006 given by the Government of Catalonia.

His work is part of the following collections Artium, CGAC, Centre d’art La Panera, Col·lecció d’art contemporani de Lleida, Colección Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo, Colección Sanitas, Fundació “la Caixa”, Fundación ARCO, Fundació LaCaixa, Fundació Suñol, Fundación Unión Fenosa, Generalitat de Catalunya, Grupo Endesa, Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn & Taxis, Bregenz. MACBA, Marugame Hirai Museum, Marugame, Japan.MUSAC, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Museu d Art Jaume Morera, Museo de Bellas artes de Murcia, Museo Morera, Museo de Teruel, Museo Pablo Gargallo, Museu de Granollers, Pinault Collection.

Work at the collection: Ego 1999, Spanglish

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Antoni Abad

Ego - Spanglish, 1999

Ego is a computer-based projection that uses drawing software that enables the computer to generate swarms of houseflies that buzz and flit around the space in random patterns.

Every few minutes several dozen flies gradually group themselves to spell out a single English or Spanish word: “I,” “Me,” “Yo,” or some variant of the first-person singular. No sooner has the word become eligible, then the flies disperse and scatter to the far margins of the projection wall before reassembling once more.

This work was presented in 2001 at the New Museum of NewYork

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Antoni Abad

Antoni Abad

REALtime, 2021

In REALtime, Antoni Abad has created a clock with an international sign system that shows the variety and complexity of linguistic registers and, at the same time, the (im)possibility of translating the real dimension of time.

Antoni Abad

Antoni Abad

Antoni Abad

Carretera de Constantí, Km.3, TV-7211

43204 Reus - Tarragona - Spain

Edificio Barebone S.L.

New Art Foundation - New Art Collection
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